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Mind, Body & Spirit
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Mind, Body & Spirit
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Mind, Body & Spirit
Mind, Body & Spirit
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Mind, Body & Spirit
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Reven Golden –
Great book and amazing information for the brain power.The author is great teacher help us understand the brain power
doc. fred –
Very well done,gives lot of practical tips on every section, which are very beneficial in using for teaching.Information is made very clear and specific,obviuosly practically tested by author. Big helpfor a BIG subject, Could have been more adventurous with title. But who knows what experts have squeezed in,overall a great book, I also bought How to think like Leonardo da Vinci,but I will not get into it till i have digested this information. Will recommend this book to my colleagues and patients.
Darlene Marwitz –
Michael Gelb continues to amaze me with his mind and body approach to all he writes. BRAIN POWER, co-authored by Kelly Howell, adds current wisdom but also sage advice from others who have weathered life and faced it headfirst with gusto. What I like best is how the book brings together all the components for best-foot-forward aging, ever-emphasizing the concept of exercising the brain as much as the body. I’ve been lucky. My own mother retired from teaching at the age of 80 and immediately starting working crossword puzzles and writing a novel, ever seeking new knowledge day by day. Naturally, I sent her a copy of BRAIN POWER at the same time I ordered one for myself. My mother is the person who first introduced me to Mind Maps and we’ve both been long promoters of Michael Gelb’s HOW TO THINK LIKE LEONARDO DA VINCI. Grazie mille, Michael Gelb!
IJ –
For over 20 years I have been struggling with memory loss from a TBI. Days I can’t even remember the names of my neighbors. I regularly take my meds and do brain puzzles and brain games. Living in an area where, at the time, there was no type of rehab available. I had to do it on my own. I knew how to transfer physical aspects to the opposite side of my brain, and how to teach myself to read again and retain things through repetition. But, I never realized that certain foods, organic foods and spices can help your brain. I have been living an “upside down” world as I could not sleep at night–my days and nights were mixed up. The section on sleep was a huge help to me. The section on Brain Synchronizing was extremely helpful. I have two other books on relaxation; but I could only use about 2 suggestions from each. And, creating a brain enhancing environment was a tremendous help after I recently spent several years in my home caring for my elderly mom; which caused me to lose much of what I had gained over the years. I would highly recommend this book to anyone who is struggling with a Traumatic Brain Injury. Lastly, my doctor gave me results of a test I took a few weeks back; and, to my surprise there is no sign of dimentia. So, even though I was following only a few of the steps outlined in this book, the new information I found will help me to stay out of a future in a care facility.
Vorlesende Mutter –
This book changed my whole outlook on the brain and getting older–very inspiring. I’ve given “Brain Power” to a number of friends for their 50th birthday because it seems then we start thinking we might be getting forgetful because of our age. But no, our brains just get smarter and smarter–if we learn new things. I read a lot of books and listen to podcasts about neurobiology, yet this is the book I re-read every few years to make sure I’m still on track. It includes readable scientific information and also practical tips. This year I started dancing lessons and this summer I’ll canoe the Yukon–first time canoeing. Inspiring.
parth shorey –
This book has common sense facts about the brain at this point. I am not sure about you, but I have read many books on the brain including new york times best seller neuroplasticity. So most of this stuff is all old news to me. If you are new to this, especially how the brain works, then I would suggest this.
Harriet McGraw –
We enjoyed the book very much, but have yet to receive the promised complimentary audio program (pg 165)
or opportunity to purchase the referrenced CD from either Amazon or Brain Sync who promised it over the next
couple weeks ??
Harriet & Wes McGraw
Terry B –
Brain Power, is a very informative book, easy to read, and worth it’s price.
This book is not opinion, it is filled with references and the back of the book has all the source information.
Easy to understand words and writing style make this book a joy to read because, you feel like you are learning what you are reading.
Books can be expensive, especially when you look for one on a subject buy it, then it doesn’t help. I am going to have the members of my family read this book, because the value is the book.
In conclusion, this book is a must read. Also the brainwave audio, which comes with the book is invigorating.
roz—choosy reader –
I am a long-time and inveterate reader…and, as such, don’t get tempted to buy the latest self-help book. This one, though, I’m really glad I invested in! I heard the author, Michael Gelb, on an NPR program called New Dimensions, and his enthusiasm for his field, motivating people, and what he had to say in general, appealed to me. Thus, I went to Amazon and bought the book. It stresses optimism, creativity, and the strength of thinking positively. I am 65, and there are MANY things (not all) that are well within my budget and physical capability that are described here. It appears to be really true: that your brain is the one organ that can be (and should be) strong as it was in youth and fully-functioning right up to the end of life. It is easy to read, and well worth re-reading to study & get tips!
roy thompsett –
Very good. Especially the audio. Enjoy this every day
Christine Ranck –
I always laugh when I hear that 60 is the new 40, but this book proves it! Sliding into feeble inactivity and dementia just because you’re getting old is definitely not inevitable any more, and there are a bunch of things you can do to help yourself. What a revelation to read about it! I’m having fun experimenting with a lot of the great methods in this book for enhancing brain power, but I think even if I only tried two, my brain would probably still be so happy! Now that there’s proof that our brains can change, learn and grow no matter how old we are, that pretty much changes everything–no excuses for becoming an old geezer. This informative, motivating, and incredibly helpful book is full of ideas for enhancing quality of life–frankly, no matter what age you are. One of my favorite parts of the book was the fascinating study of a group of men in their 70s, who lived–for one week–exactly as they would in the year 1959. I won’t spoil it, but wait till you hear what happened to them! Einstein would giggle if he knew about it! So I would say that if you’re interested in staying youthful for the duration, this book is the one to inspire you.
Dr.Christine Ranck
co-author, Ignite the Genius Within
Hemp –
This is mostly a collection of ideas from others authors and books, put togheter in an easy to read, “feel good” fashion, that unfortunately is also very superficial and certainly doesn’t reinvent the wheel. Not great value for your money unless you have spend the last fifthy years inside a cave.